Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018

Benefits of Living Life with Purpose

Benefits of Living Life with Purpose

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Benefits of Living Life with Purpose

Why we should lead a purposeful life? What are the benefits of living life with purpose? No one comes here on this earth without any purpose.

If by the God's grace you are here in the form of human being, nothing better could have happened to you than this. You are one of those fortunate creatures who are blessed with God's best architecture.

You should be thankful to the Almighty for His creation and blessings.

Human birth is the best of all incarnations: To incarnate in the form of human being has been considered the best birth on this planet.

Because you are the one who can think and act better than any other living beings. You are gifted with a brain, superior than any computer, a pious soul and a heart full of compassion and love.

You have been blessed with all those faculties that could stop the flow of rivers and turn the direction of storms. Still you are yelling and sound miserable? Get up and shed your somber and distress!

You do not deserve to be the way you are today! You are here for some destined purpose. Now it's your task to identify that purpose. You must find it as you have been bestowed with all that might and knacks to find your life purpose.

You have been designed by the God, the greatest architecture, with the best possible traits within you. How you could be down in fervor and spirit!

Your life purpose is within you: Are you still wondering? Let me help you! Just try to find out what pleases you the most.

What you are passionate about. What enchants you the most! What you find yourself good at? Whatever your answer is that is your first step towards your life purpose.

Don't blame others for your condition: If you are miserable and frustrated today don't blame it to destiny or circumstances. It's rightly said, "A man gets what he actually deserves."

It's all your own creations. You need to look back where you lacked in your efforts to reach your goal in life. Where the drawback was? Strengthen it and start again with even more force and enthusiasm.

Pull your socks and give one more try with greater energy, inspiration and audacity! Who knows if your goal is only an attempt away!

There is no power that can restrain you from reaching the purpose of your life if you are armed with adequate enthusiasm and perseverance.

Nirvana the ultimate path to fulfillment and contentment: It's not sufficient to only find purpose in life. It's all about leading and fulfilling that purpose as well. Because life with a purpose will bring happiness and a sense of contentment which is rare to find even after being bestowed with whole lot of authority, money and power.

This is the reason people are wondering in search of peace and fulfillment. It is not easy to earn money and fame today but it is more difficult to attain that level of peace and enlightenment which is the ultimate goal of all human being.

In other words "Nirvana" is the last step towards happiness and peace. It is a state of mind where there is tranquility everywhere and the mind is free from cravings and lusts. This state of mind can only be attained when you have a purpose in life.

This is one of the biggest benefits of living life with purpose. And to find purpose, you need to grill your consciousness repeatedly to extract the purpose behind your birth on this earth.

Listen to your consciousness because there is no bigger well wisher than your own inner voice. Because this voice never lies and perhaps never dies as well.

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