Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018

Best of Cortona Hotels

Best of Cortona Hotels

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Best of Cortona Hotels

Cortona, a splendid city in Tuscany, Italy, is much loved by foreigners for its location and climate. Taking into account as one of its top Hill Towns, you can like a quiet vacation in its ancient walls and undulating valleys andexperience the beauty of the Tuscan countryside in the lap of luxury. Agritourism elucidates the detail of the experience of traveling to Tuscany. You can settle in the rustic and elegant farmhouse villas of the local populace and do actual farming in the family-run operations.
Inside the ancient wall of Cortona is situated the Villa Marsili Hotel, an elegant and luxurious hotel without the frills of million-dollar extravaganza. But the luxury it offers is a 'home away from home', for the warm welcome, stylish furnishing, cleanliness and best service along with the view of the valley to experience the lovliness of nature.

Varities of accommodations are available in Tuscany. You can find private luxury villas, tastefully converted farmhouses and intimate cottages for farm holidays, attractive apartments and large estates with group villas with private pools to make your stay impressive.

You can plan your itinerary to visit everything in and around Tuscany. Moving around the antique shops and leather workshops, you can discover the glorious artistic traditions of medieval age in the villages of Chianti or Val d'Orcia. Or you can enjoy the natural environmental scenario.

Choosing a farm holiday in Tuscany and staying in a farmhouse is a unique experience with a charm of its own. These farmhouses are not primeval and stark but come in a wide range of styles and sizes with varying amenities. Originally, these farmhouses were abodes of the lower class located at the foot of great castles. But the present inhabitants have renovated them to make it comfortable with modern amenities, keeping the unique style and architecture intact. Luxury villas have all the luxury amenities.

These farmhouse vacation rentals comprise of a veranda, sitting/dining room, fully equipped kitchen to fix your meals, 1 double bedroom, 1 or 2 twin bedroom, 1 bathroom whole with shower, sink, toilet and bidet. Central heating is available during winter months and furnishing is done in the Tuscan style. All through the hot summer months, swimming pools are presented for guests to refresh at no extra charge, and if you do not like to cook, you can order food for a few extra Euros per day.

Farm house vacation is an unique experience. You have more calm and privacy and enjoy nature with outdoors at your doorstep. It is a home away from home.

A magnificent city of Italy cortona invites you to Cortona Hotels and for holidays Tuscany visit

Benefits of Living Life with Purpose

Benefits of Living Life with Purpose

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Benefits of Living Life with Purpose

Why we should lead a purposeful life? What are the benefits of living life with purpose? No one comes here on this earth without any purpose.

If by the God's grace you are here in the form of human being, nothing better could have happened to you than this. You are one of those fortunate creatures who are blessed with God's best architecture.

You should be thankful to the Almighty for His creation and blessings.

Human birth is the best of all incarnations: To incarnate in the form of human being has been considered the best birth on this planet.

Because you are the one who can think and act better than any other living beings. You are gifted with a brain, superior than any computer, a pious soul and a heart full of compassion and love.

You have been blessed with all those faculties that could stop the flow of rivers and turn the direction of storms. Still you are yelling and sound miserable? Get up and shed your somber and distress!

You do not deserve to be the way you are today! You are here for some destined purpose. Now it's your task to identify that purpose. You must find it as you have been bestowed with all that might and knacks to find your life purpose.

You have been designed by the God, the greatest architecture, with the best possible traits within you. How you could be down in fervor and spirit!

Your life purpose is within you: Are you still wondering? Let me help you! Just try to find out what pleases you the most.

What you are passionate about. What enchants you the most! What you find yourself good at? Whatever your answer is that is your first step towards your life purpose.

Don't blame others for your condition: If you are miserable and frustrated today don't blame it to destiny or circumstances. It's rightly said, "A man gets what he actually deserves."

It's all your own creations. You need to look back where you lacked in your efforts to reach your goal in life. Where the drawback was? Strengthen it and start again with even more force and enthusiasm.

Pull your socks and give one more try with greater energy, inspiration and audacity! Who knows if your goal is only an attempt away!

There is no power that can restrain you from reaching the purpose of your life if you are armed with adequate enthusiasm and perseverance.

Nirvana the ultimate path to fulfillment and contentment: It's not sufficient to only find purpose in life. It's all about leading and fulfilling that purpose as well. Because life with a purpose will bring happiness and a sense of contentment which is rare to find even after being bestowed with whole lot of authority, money and power.

This is the reason people are wondering in search of peace and fulfillment. It is not easy to earn money and fame today but it is more difficult to attain that level of peace and enlightenment which is the ultimate goal of all human being.

In other words "Nirvana" is the last step towards happiness and peace. It is a state of mind where there is tranquility everywhere and the mind is free from cravings and lusts. This state of mind can only be attained when you have a purpose in life.

This is one of the biggest benefits of living life with purpose. And to find purpose, you need to grill your consciousness repeatedly to extract the purpose behind your birth on this earth.

Listen to your consciousness because there is no bigger well wisher than your own inner voice. Because this voice never lies and perhaps never dies as well.

Becoming an Industrial Pioneer

Becoming an Industrial Pioneer

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Becoming an Industrial Pioneer

Urban pioneering is taking the best ex-industrial spaces and products to create unique, distinctive homes that reflect the marrying of the old and new, while protecting and utilizing the integrity of both. An urban pioneer looks for large empty buildings or spaces, to convert for their home or business while keeping the original elements that are safe, visually appealing, useful, and just plain fun. Many people are jumping on the industrial or urban style band wagon and are really enjoying the experience as well as their new space.

With the decline in manufacturing in the 1950's and 60's, empty warehouses, schools, factories, and office and retail spaces opened up the opportunity for cheap rentals. These spaces allowed for the first true urban pioneers to establish an imaginative and trendy style that is still alive and growing. By keeping the exposed brick walls, and wood or concrete floors, as well as the duct work and pipes that were left in the buildings, people began creating useful and inviting spaces. Since many of the building were equipped with large windows and lots of them, there was no shortage of light to flood the rooms, which was just another added bonus, in some cases.

Although renovating an old building can be daunting and expensive nowadays, it can be well worth the effort. Breathing new life into formerly unused buildings is not only good for the building, it brings a sense of uplifting pleasure to those who live and visit the home or business. It renews the neighborhood and the people who live there, adding beauty and style. It allows the owner and designer to keep a bit of historical architecture while using new processes to preserve them. It can even add new revenue to the neighborhood by adding a bar, nightclub, restaurant, or even rental venue for weddings and such. The opportunities are endless for these vacant buildings. Of course, planning and design are an important first step. You should know ahead of time just where any wall or plumbing will have to be placed for kitchen and bathroom fixtures, and you'll want to try and keep as much of the existing details and elements of the original building to stay true to the industrial/urban feel.

The style has led to the manufacturing and reproduction of industrial pieces that were popular in this bygone era. From lighting, to seating, to dining tables and accessories, there are a plethora of products that will look great with almost any decorating style. You can find fun pieces to incorporate into your home by looking for reproductions or shop the salvage and junk yards, garage sales, and flea markets for a special piece. An aged and worn look is what makes these pieces stand out and adds character and charm to any home when placed in just the right spot. Searching is half the fun, but the finished look of the room is what will grab the eye, so search for pieces that speak to you about the industrial times.

In today's Internet world, you can find people who will refurbish old finds or create new pieces to match old ones such as wall or ceiling tiles. Metal staircases, doors and pulley systems left in old buildings make a great addition to these spaces. Keeping everyone safe by removing lead paint and asbestos is certainly a priority and you should always have the property checked before making a purchase or renting one out. Needless to say, you will also have to apply for permission to change it to residential use if need be.

We understand that the industrial style is not for everyone. The fact is, most people like the look and feel of something new. Personally, I love holding on to a special aged treasure that reminds me of times gone by. I also really enjoy shopping for creative and imaginative items designed for today's spaces. Whatever your style, I hope you stay open enough to open your home to a bit of the past by seeking out a few urban elements or industrial furniture pieces.

Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

Basel III and Data Warehouse Infrastructure

Basel III and Data Warehouse Infrastructure

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Basel III and Data Warehouse Infrastructure

Why Basel III

2007 to 2009 is a period that will remain etched in the minds of financial industry policy makers for years to come. Complex financial instruments, wrongly priced risks coupled with pressure to churn ever higher employee bonuses and bank profits all combined to create the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression. The US and EU financial markets, once assumed impregnable, faced the real possibility of collapse pulling down the global economy in the process. As hundreds of billions of dollars in government bailouts were pumped into banks and insurance companies considered too big to fail, regulators had to come to grips with the fact that the Basel II guideline on bank risk management had loopholes and inadequacies that had to be addressed to prevent a recurrence. And with that, Basel III was born.

A summary of Basel III requirements

The fundamental objectives of Basel III are not too different from those of Basel II. The new framework simply aims to make banks more resilient in the face of macro-economic shocks, to sharpen their risk management and to increase overall transparency. Basel III achieves these objectives through a combination of additional capital and more stringent controls on funding than Basel II.

In order to better understand why data warehouse infrastructure will be so central for Basel III implementation, one must acquaint themselves with the main elements of Basel III. The complexity of Basel III makes it near impossible to discuss it comprehensively in this article. But let us briefly touch on two of its most important changes vis a vis Basel II:

Capital Requirements - Given the events of 2007-2009, it probably comes as no surprise that higher capital requirements are probably the most significant change from Basel II to Basel III. Basel III goes into a more extensive and explicit definition of capital. This includes specifics on the assets that can be used to calculate capital requirements and what minimum quality/characteristics such assets must possess to qualify for inclusion.

Liquidity Requirements - Just like for capital, Basel III raises the bar on liquidity requirements. Two parameters signal the new liquidity requirements - LCR (Liquidity Coverage Ratio) and NSFR (Net Stable Funding Ratio). LCR is a measure of the highly liquid assets a bank possesses that are available to meet sudden or disruptive short-term liquidity obligations. Such liquid assets include treasury bonds and cash. NSFR is a measure of a banks stable long term funding in proportion to the banks long term assets. Stable long term funding includes customer deposits, equity and long term interbank funding. NSFR was factored into Basel III because a number of the banks that collapsed in 2007-2009 had demonstrated an over-reliance on short term funding sources such as short term inter-bank lending before their downfall.

Data Quality and Basel III Enterprise Risk Management

While most banks engaged in international banking will have to comply with Basel IIIs new capital and liquidity requirements at some point, the detail, quality and age of data will be critical in determining which banks can comply quickly and efficiently. Poor quality data can for instance, lead to either over or under allocation.

Ultimately, effective risk management and compliance with Basel III boils down to a banks ability to collate, relate and analyze all relevant data. For very small banks, managing and correlating data may not be extraordinarily strenuous. But for the majority of banks and more so multinationals spanning multiple jurisdictions and with a supermarket-like assortment of financial products, identifying and pricing risk is a far more complex affair.

Nothing short of a well-defined, automated data management platform will do. Of course, complex real time data management and analysis was already a necessity for Basel II compliance. Basel III takes it a notch higher - more detailed data, longer time modeling and extensive stress testing. The data warehouse takes on a new importance. Overall, better data will enhance the banks competitive advantage.

When management makes decision based on enterprise risk data , they must have an assurance that the information is dependable and a true representation of facts on the ground. The key characteristics of quality data are integration, completeness, integrity, accessibility, extensibility and flexibility.

Three Approaches Toward a Risk-Aware Data Warehouse

Whereas Basel III is a new risk framework (albeit improved an improvement of Basel II), enterprise risk management has been at the core of the banking industry for decades. Senior management and key bank decision makers in Basel III implementation would do well to learn from the pros and cons of past approaches to developing, configuring and implementing enterprise risk management platforms and data warehouses:

Approach 1 - Focus on business applications and the key reports of each. This is the fastest way to get a basic risk management framework off the ground. But it is ultimately the most expensive in the amount of rework it takes before it is Basel III-compliant.

Approach 2 - Focus on management reports. This is probably the most common approach. Problem is that risk reports tend to fall into a second tier report category as senior management are more likely to focus on the bottom line reports e.g. profit, revenue growth reports. If the enterprise risk management platform is built around data required for management reports, tweaking the data warehouse and developing the risk reports later on tends to be tedious and expensive.

Approach 3 - Setup a risk management framework around Basel III while allowing for the integration of additional risk requirements unique to the bank itself. This often costs the most at the beginning but is cheaper and more efficient in the long run. It is the best approach. Banks that had already built their risk management framework and systems around a risk-aware data warehouse model are likely to have an easier time transitioning to Basel III. Similarly, banks that build their risk framework from scratch and centred on Basel III requirements will ultimately send less than those that opt for Approach 1 or Approach 2.

After all, Basel III is likely no going to be the last revision to banking risk. Put differently, data infrastructure architecture blueprint where enterprise risk management is at the heart provides a faster, more efficient and more sustainable path toward Basel III compliance. Such a model is more adaptable to the changing needs of bank risk regulation. The ideal risk-centric data model should facilitate data sharing between departments and consistent definitions of entities (for instance, what is a customer in the finance module is also a customer in the HR module).

Bank Teller Training Tools A way to bankers achievement

Bank Teller Training Tools A way to bankers achievement

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Bank Teller Training Tools A way to bankers achievement

Bank teller training tools is a way to bankers achievement. It is a crucial and front office job. It is the main or chief tool of any bank. The banking industry depends heavily on this training tool. It requires a lot of things o deal with. A teller helps in every aspect of baking job. These tellers help in withdrawals and deposits for customers. These people serve the customers as per help required. They have to have a heavy knowledge in accounts.

Bank tellers have all knowledge and accounts on every fund which came inside the bank and which went out of the bank. The first training tool is counterfeiting. These tellers are dealing with huge sum of money every day. They can witness many forgeries. While deposition, many people intentionally or unintentionally mix fake money bills with the deposition. While getting educated on accountancy, tellers get trained on identify forgeries. Banking jobs may look very lucrative but needs a lot of concentration. It also requires a lot of attention.

You must be focused on your banking jobs. Customers hate being delayed so you need to be fast as well. Job search on banking jobs can be made through online. You will get various jobs in accounting. For example- business analysts, IT auditors, accounts manager and many more are available. You can find suitable banking jobs at both the places like in private and public sector banks. There are various jobs available online. Another training tool should be data input.

It is very important. Rather it is a necessary to know how to input data. Feeding in a computer is a must as it helps in keeping records. So, you have to be very conscious about the machines being used. Tellers job includes deposition, withdrawals, giving out numbers, inputting data and records, maintaining systems with speed and accuracy. A teller should also know how to stop or prevent fraud. Another training tool can be forgery. This will prevent fraud people, cheques, transactions and many other depositions.

Another tool can be workshops of robbery which is provided during banking educations. Your career depends on how swiftly you can work, how quickly you can attend all customers in the queue, how to manage all computer and manual works and how politely you can talk. These are very important in order to work in a bank. Thus, accounting jobs is very difficult. A minor mistake can ruin all your work in no time. Be polite at your work with everyone.

So, basically a bank tellers job and tools required are to talk softly, prevent forgery, accuracy, inputting data, speed, calculations and attending everybody. Thus, these are the basic bank teller training tools which can lead a way to bankers achievement.

Balboa Island Expensive to live there, but not to visit

Balboa Island Expensive to live there, but not to visit

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Balboa Island Expensive to live there, but not to visit

If you thought your home has appreciated in value in the past few years, consider the property values on Southern California's Balboa Island. A bay front lot that sold for $25 just after the turn of the century now will bring as much as $3 million.

And that's just the lot, mind you. Constructing that dream home on Balboa Island will cost extra.

Fortunately, one doesn't have to actually live on Balboa Island to enjoy its unique atmosphere. Today the island is a fascinating day trip for those who are living or vacationing in and around Los Angeles. The island is located in Newport Beach where accommodations, restaurants and shopping are all top-drawer.

The island itself has a tiny, but busy Main Street actually it's called Marine Avenue which is just a few short blocks with about 70 shops and restaurants to explore. This little example of Small Town Americana offers a wide selection of shops in all price ranges as well as several boutiques and galleries. The visitors who browse this street are a combination of couples and families with an unusually high percentage of style mavens which is what you expect in Newport Beach and other nearby beach communities where expensive clothes and fancy cars are just part of the lifestyle.

The downtown shopping area is just part of the attraction on Balboa Island, an island small enough that you can walk entirely around its perimeter in less than two miles. It's fun to observe life on an island that remains exclusive because it is so expensive. There is no denying that the ever-present sunshine and the harbor views create a quiet respite from bustling city life and clogged freeways. The colorful villas and vacation-style homes on the island are opulent for their size with these prices, no one's going to skimp on their home maintenance. It's a patriotic little place, too American flags are posted on several homes and along Marina Avenue.

But given the real estate prices, it's also interesting to observe that people will pay so much money for so little space. The island at times seems a little congested with homes built so close to each other that a good-size Balboa yard really is just slightly larger than a shuffleboard court. Most residents have to park one or more cars on the street and it's common to see the locals abandon cars altogether by using golf carts to take their trips to the downtown market.

Nevertheless, the island is a great escape for a morning or afternoon, and will flood the senses with spectacular harbor views, incredible sunsets and a feeling like you're visiting the California version of Martha's Vineyard. Adding to the flavor is the little ferry that hauls just a few cars at a time from the island over to the Balboa Fun Zone area of the Balboa peninsula. Balboa is connected to the mainland by bridge on the west, but the tiny ferry gets you out on the water for just pocket change.

Of course another way to get out on the water and get a different look at Balboa Island water is to rent a Duffy boat for a couple of hours. If you're not familiar with them, Duffy boats are made locally and are specifically designed to take a group of people out on the water in total comfort and luxury for simple harbor cruising. The 21-foot boat we rented could accommodate 10 adults with plush bench seats on each side of the boat with table tops available in the middle for drinks or snacks. The boat was entirely shaded which came in handy on this hot summer day but had plenty of open areas on the sides to enjoy the view. It came equipped with a Sirius satellite radio which we left tuned to the classical music channel that seemed so appropriate for our gentle cruise in and around Newport Beach harbor.

Visitors with little or no boating experience needn't worry like our Duffy attendant told us at the dock: "This will be like driving a golf cart." The convenient forward/reverse throttle made it easy to go just the right speed for docking or any other maneuvers that might be necessary out on the calm waters of the harbor. The electric engine is quiet, smooth and gives you just enough power to cruise through the harbor at the maximum legal speed. Since the boats don't leave the harbor, the electric motor is more than adequate.

When we pushed away from the dock, our Duffy opened up a whole new panorama that offered picture-postcard harbor views in every direction. As we made our way down the channel we observed the "best of the best" Balboa homes the ones that were out on the water, often with 60 or 80-foot luxury yachts moored at their own private docks. It was like an episode of "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous." Which moguls or movie stars owned these spectacular villas? Which big-time CEO's were lounging on their decks watching us put-put by in our Duffy?

Then up the channel a little further we came across a man settled into a floating lounge chair that had drifted far out into the channel where he was intently staring at the fishing line he had dangling in the blue harbor waters. Next it was a regatta of sorts a few tiny sailboats with a couple of kids in each boat, apparently learning how to sail. Then came the parade of pleasure craft, five or six boats each headed out to sea and none of them less than 60 feet long.

Those heads in the water up ahead turned out to be a family of sea lions, playfully cruising through the harbor with no regard to the speed limit. And then we were dodging the island ferry although both we and the ferry were going so slow that there was plenty of time to contemplate our next move. We just throttled back, let the ferry finish crossing and then powered on up to head further along the channel.

After a couple of hours it was time to return our boat to the dock where the attendant was on hand to grab our boat as we glided effortlessly into the reception area. The experience had given us a new look at Balboa Island, and a fun afternoon on the water.

Balboa Island is part of Newport Beach, and this affluent beach community includes a long list of natural and man-made visitor attractions. The beach is a big draw, of course, and once you're out on the Balboa Peninsula there are miles of wide beaches as well as visitor attractions such as the Balboa Fun Zone amusement park. Nearby Crystal Cove Beach offers great tide pools and is excellent for beach walking, hiking and biking.

The Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve is Southern California's largest estuary nearly three-and-a-half miles long and a half-mile wide. With 752 acres altogether, there are thousands of birds including many rare species -- that are found in these habitats.

If you are serious about shopping, Fashion Island is one of two shopping icons in Orange County the other being South Coast Plaza, just a short drive from Newport Beach. You can window shop on Via Oporto, a tree-lined cobblestone street in Lido Marina Village. And there are galleries, unique shops and waterfront cafes in Cannery Village.

There are also some interesting museums in Newport Beach. The Orange County Museum of Art has a changing schedule of exhibitions that feature California's rich artistic heritage and contemporary art. And, while you're out in your Duffy boat, you'll notice a paddlewheel riverboat docked at the edge of the harbor that's the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum, which tells the nautical history of this seaside community.


WHERE: Balboa Island is part of Newport Beach, located in Orange County just south of Los Angeles.

WHAT: With its colorful architecture both contemporary and Cape Cod Balboa Island feels like the "Martha's Vineyard" of California, albeit on a much smaller scale. It's the perfect place to enjoy nautical scenery, sunshine and see "how the other half lives."

WHEN: Any time of year.

WHY: Balboa Island is charming, easy to reach and is bordered by many other visitor attractions. Several major hotels are in the area, and some island villas are available for rent by contacting local real estate firms.

HOW: For more information on Balboa Island, visit For more information on renting a Duffy boat, call (949) 645-6812 or visit All rentals are 21-foot boats and hold up to 10 adults comfortably.

Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

Athens and Olympia a Residential Trip to Greece

Athens and Olympia a Residential Trip to Greece

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Athens and Olympia a Residential Trip to Greece

The birthplace of democracy, the seat of great philosophical thinking, home to some of the worlds most impressive ancient architecture; Greece has much to offer students of history, Classics or philosophy.
On a residential trip to Athens and Olympia, students are able to get up close and personal with the stunning Acropolis in Athens, the ancient city of Delphi, and Olympia, home to the original Olympic Games. All of these sites embody the spirit and culture of ancient Greece, helping to bring back to life the students studies of what can seem like long-dead languages, battles and free thinkers.

The Acropolis

No residential trip of Greece would be complete without a visit to Athens and its Acropolis. The Acropolis is a part of town which is given special protection and fortification from invasion, which is why the Greeks built all their most important buildings and temples at this spot. Part of its protection, of course, is that it is built on the citys highest hill, so make sure students have suitable footwear for the walk up there, and plenty of water.

The trip will be well worth any complaining on the way, as students are able to wander around the Acropolis drinking in the architectural beauty of the ruins here. The most impressive of all is the Parthenon. Built in the fifth century by Pericles, the breathtaking structure was constructed as a monument to Greek civilisation and is just as impressive by todays standards. But this is not the only structure on the Acropolis worth seeing; students should explore the Erecthion, the temple which makes up part of the Parthenon, the Temple of Athena Nike, and below it the Theatre of Dionysus and Odeon of Herodes Atticus.


Home to the oracle of ancient Greece and one of the centres of the Hellenic world, Delphi should play a part in any residential trip to Greece. Set at the foot of Mount Parnassos, Delphi offers some of the most impressive ruins in the country. Take a tour with your students which will include the Kastalia springs, where Greeks would purify themselves before taking the sacred path to the Temple of Apollo to meet the oracle. Your pupils will follow in their footsteps before visiting the amphitheatre, the great stadium and the fascinating Museum of Delphi.


The sports fans amongst your pupils will love Olympia, birthplace of the Olympic Games. Youngsters will be thrilled to see where the athletes lived and trained, while a guide informs them about the important religious and cultural aspects of the events.

Once your students have been to Greece and seen the sites of antiquity, they will return having a much deeper understanding of Greek history, culture and language. Contact a specialist educational travel tour operator to organise your residential trip, and they will take care of all the details so that you can get on with bringing this fascinating ancient world back to life for your pupils.

Author Plate

John Gardiner is the Managing Director of The School Travel Company, a tour operator specialising in residential trip itineraries for school and youth groups to the UK, Europe and beyond. As a father and avid traveller, John is very passionate about providing students with valuable and engaging learning experiences outside of the classroom. By sharing his expert advice with teachers, he allows them to inspire their students and bring their studies to life.

Arrow Sheds For Your Storage Needs

Arrow Sheds For Your Storage Needs

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Arrow Sheds For Your Storage Needs

Lately, people seem to be running out of storage space - their attics, basements, and garages are all full. While you could lease space from a storage facility this may end up as an impractical option since it requires driving out to the facility whenever you need an item that has been stored. A better alternative is to build your own storage space in your backyard. With a ready-to-build storage shed, you can have your own appealing and long-lasting storage unit.

Those who look for reliable manufacturers of storage shed kits look for Arrow, known for kits that are easily assembled, economical, and built to last. Arrow is a leading manufacturer and distributor of quality sheds and utility buildings.

The fact that arrow sheds are metal makes them more economical because metal will last longer than other materials like plastic or wood. You can select from many styles of finishes such as electro-galvanized steel or a thick vinyl coating. If you want, you can protect the outside with a high grade paint that is made to be used specifically on metal. The local hardware store should have a good assortment of colors.

You will be able to choose the finish and the style of roof. The three types of roof that are available for the Arrow storage buildings are sloped, gambrel and gabled. One of these options should work well for your shed's site and with the architecture of your property's other structures.

Only a few tools are required in order to assemble an Arrow shed. All you need are a Philips-head screwdriver, pliers, and a stepladder. It's a good idea to have someone else help you lift and hold the pieces. Be sure both of you are wearing work gloves.

It is very important to ensure that your shed is attached to a firm and even base such as an existing concrete slab or a wooden deck. You may also utilize a foundation kit manufactured especially for Arrow storage buildings. When constructed, the kit forms a frame where you can install a plywood floor. Arrow also offers several options for securing your shed such as kits with augers, cables, and clamps.

Are you looking for additional storage? Tired of the same old colors and styles that have been available in the past? Arrow sheds can provide you with the space you need in a variety of colors and styles. They are also quick and easy to assemble!

Rabu, 28 Maret 2018

Are You Required to Report Your eBay Earnings

Are You Required to Report Your eBay Earnings

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Are You Required to Report Your eBay Earnings

Many people ask me if they are required to report the profits they earn on items they sell on eBay. The answer is "yes".

If you sell items on eBay for a profit, then you should report your eBay sales, and you may owe income taxes on any profits. It doesn't matter if it's just a hobby or if you are trying to build a business.

Generally, any income you receive from all sources is subject to income tax unless it is specifically exempt by law (hint: eBay profits are not exempt by law). That means that a lot of activities that you might not think of as taxable, such as garage sale income, gambling winnings, and yes - eBay profits - are taxable.

You must file a tax return if your net earnings from self employment are $400 or more. You are self employed if you carry on a trade or business for profit. If you are selling on eBay with the intent of making a profit, then you are self employed.

To report your earnings, you should file Form 1040, and attach Schedule C or C-EZ. Schedule C is used to calculate your net profit or loss from your business, which is then reported on your Form 1040.

At this point, you may be thinking "I don't run a business; I just sell on eBay as a hobby". Unfortunately, income from hobbies is taxable as well. Even worse, you can only deduct expenses up to your hobby income, which means losses are not deductible.

There are several tax advantages to selling on eBay. Personal expenses, such as the use of your car, home or computer may become partially deductible, retirement savings plans can shelter part of your eBay income from taxes, and you may be able to hire your family to help shift income to members in a lower tax bracket. So even if you only sell a few items on eBay, not only are you required to report your eBay earnings, it may even help you reduce your income taxes by taking advantage of tax planning opportunities available only to small business owners.

Finally, there is a common misconception that if you did not receive a 1099 or W-2, you are not required to report your income. This is not true. All income is reportable, regardless of whether you receive a form or not. EBay is only a facilitator of the auction; therefore you will not receive a 1099 from eBay reporting your sales.

Are Buyers Purchasing Homes in Fall or Winter

Are Buyers Purchasing Homes in Fall or Winter

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Are Buyers Purchasing Homes in Fall or Winter

Sellers will ask, will my home sell in the fall or winter? Do homes that sell in fall or winter sell for less? These are good questions. Sellers want the maximum value for their home.Home sell all year around. There are some studies that suggest homes sell for higher prices near the end of year and beginning of new year. Homes do not sell for less in the colder months. Fall and winter months do not influence a homes appreciation or depreciation. That is influenced by the local and national economic conditions. Should you sell in the fall or winter the answer is yes. Here logical reasons why.

Housing Inventory Scarcity

In the fall and winter months, the housing inventory is lower. Housing inventory higher in the spring and summer months. This is to the home sellers advantage. Potential sellers may be getting ready for the holidays. Under the misimpression that homes do not sell in winter months. Or sellers just missing the boat. There will be less competition. Check with your local Realtor. Check on current housing inventory in your neighborhood. Check to see how long homes are on the market before they enter escrow. Short periods 30 to 40 days or fewer indications high buyer demand. Homes that have sold over asking prices indicate there were multiple offers on the home. Mortgage interest rates at historic lows. The scarcity of housing inventory. More buyer demand than inventory. Currently, it is a seller's market. Real estate market conditions do not change with the seasons. Market conditions change the economy.

Do Not Overprice Your Home

You got the good news. It is a sellers market. That does not mean that the value of your home is higher than values in your neighborhood. Never overprice your home. Consult with your local real estate agent. Get an honest market analysis of your homes value. It is O.K. to consider the last 12-months appreciation in the area. Most neighborhoods in West Los Angeles real estate has seen annual double-digit appreciation since 2014. When setting your homes value consider if the home is a fixer-upper, in standard condition or updated. Asking price should be competitively accurate. Do not overprice your home.

What Kinds Of Buyers Are Looking For Homes In November?

Serious buyers are looking for a home. Tire kickers are at a minimal. In spring and summer months there are more buyers. More tire-kicker or neighbors. Tire-kickers are filtered out in the colder rainy months. Selling a home in West Los Angeles, CA.? You are lucky in West Los Angeles. We do not have to deal with snow and icy roads. Yes, we have rain. Generally, during those months the weather is milder but sunny. When there is a buyer willing to view your home in the rain they are serious. Why would a buyer purchase during the holiday season? For the same reasons that they would purchase in the summer. They want to buy a home. Any other factor is buyer has been relocated because of their job.


There are communities experiencing new commercial industries growth. These new companies are recruiting new employees from all over the country. Are you in a neighborhood where housing demand has increased because local industries demand new employees? Job recruitment is year around. In fall and winter, these are serious home buyers.

What If Mortgage Interest Rates Increase Next Year?

Mortgage interest rate has been at historical lows for several years. Has been needed fuel for the real estate market after the Great Recession. What if the interest rates increase by one or two percent next year? An increase of only 01% would reduce the number of buyers that would be able to qualify to purchase your home. The increase would result in a 09% decrease in buyers purchasing power.


Sales Price $800,000.00
Down payment 20%
Loan Amount $640,000.00
Interest Rate 04%
Approximate monthly payment $3,542.00

Interest rate increases from 04% to 05%

Sales Price $730,000.00
Down payment 20%
Loan Amount $584,000.00
Interest Rate 05%
Approximate monthly payment $3,585.00

Above example shows a buyer approved for principal and interest amount equaling $3,590.00 per month. At today's interest rate of 04% with 20% down payment buyer qualifies for a sales price of $800,000.00. If mortgage interest rate increased to 05% the same buyer qualifies for a sales price of $730,000.00. We know what the interest rates are today. Mortgage interest rates in the future are unpredictable.

Selling Your Home During The Holiday Season

The holiday season is heartwarming. One of the best times of the year for home decoration. If my home on the market during the holidays should I decorate home? By all means, decorate your home. The buyer can envision themselves in your home next holiday season. Holiday home decorations have become very competitive in communities. Is a good home sales staging tool.

Holiday Home Decorating Tips

Have a fresh scented Christmas tree attractively decorated.
Keep rooms warm and cozy
Exterior lights should be attractive.
Scented candles can enhance the atmosphere.
There should be no exterior or interior clutter.

Standard Time It Will Be Dark Earlier

Standard time starts in the autumn months. After 5:30 p.m. it will start getting dark outside. Some showings will be when it is dark outside. For evening showing turn exterior lights on prior to showing time. This includes the front and backyards. Make sure lights are on in every room. Should you sell in autumn or fall. Yes, it just requires a little more preparation. The same rules apply if you sell any time of the year. These rules are clean. Home should be as spotless as possible. Some rooms may need painting prior to sale. Make sure to choose neutral colors. Lastly, the home should be clutter-free.

Final Thoughts

Are buyers purchasing homes in the fall or winter? YES, buyers purchase in fall and winter months. Studies suggest these are more serious buyers during these seasons. Second question, do homes sell for less in these months? The answer is NO. Home prices do not decline because of the month of the year. Home values decline or appreciate based on the local and national economy. Presently, we are in an appreciating housing market. Reasons are low-interest rates. There is a scarcity of inventory and high buyer demand. There is more buyer demand than housing supply. In fall and winter months generally, housing inventory is at it lowest. All factors indicate it is home sellers advantage to sell in autumn or fall.

Architectural Salvage For The Home And Garden

Architectural Salvage For The Home And Garden

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Architectural Salvage For The Home And Garden

If you live in a vintage home, when it comes time to replace doors, windows and other decorative elements, it can be very challenging to match the architecture of the home with contemporary products. Instead, many homeowners choose the look for architectural salvage to match the look of their antique homes. Just as you would purchase antiques to furnish your period home, so too can you embellish the exterior with the appropriate antique salvage pieces.


Your front door is the first area that visitors will see when approaching your home. Because it is always on view, many homeowners choose to upgrade with an beautiful architectural antique door. A great deal of architectural reclamation occurs to make these doors structurally sound and historically finished so that the piece will serve well for many years to come. You could also take your current door and give it a vintage facelift with the addition of a new finish and antique salvage hardware, including the doorknobs and hinges. Doors appropriate for indoor use for bathrooms, closets and other areas can also be found by shopping at architectural salvage antiques stores.

Stained Glass

The beauty that comes from adding an exquisite piece of stained glass architectural salvage to your home is quite stunning. Handmade stained glass antique salvage pieces from yesteryear are pieces of artwork that can be displayed in the home or added to windows and doors.


If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then perhaps the windows are the soul of your home. Architectural antique windows are a hot-ticket item in decorating circles these days, and for good reason. Every home style, from Queen Anne, Folk Victorian, Tudor, Beaux Arts, Mission, Craftsman and others feature specific types of window styles that were typically used for each specific type of architecture. Finding architectural reclamation pieces that fit with the vintage of your home will truly make it look authentic, and will provide your family with savings in energy costs, because refurbished pieces will more reliably keep the cold out and the heat in your home.

Wrought Iron

Vintage architectural salvage wrought iron pieces are sought after by discerning gardeners living in period homes. These wrought iron architectural salvage pieces are typically used for fencing, gates and balcony railings, but they also have other uses in the garden. From pieces of antique salvage wrought iron fencing, tables can be crafted using the iron pieces as legs, and with a marble tabletop attached it will surely be a unique piece that you will use every summer in your garden.

You can find architectural salvage antiques listed with online sellers.

Selasa, 27 Maret 2018



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Spain is a country that is very popular as a tourist destination. It attracts millions of tourists every year. There are a lot of places worth seeing and visiting in Spain for the discerning visitors. All tourists have something to look forward to while in Spain and can actually be guaranteed of a fabulous time in the region. There are many contributors to tourism in Spain that has led to the growth in the regions popularity as a destination.

Spain architectural works are some of the most popular and unique styles in the world. The major contributors were the early settlers as well as religion. Spains architecture also has a major role in the history of the country and actually a lot can be learnt from the existence of some of the works that still stand to date. Spains architecture is very different from others in the world. Jews, Christians, Muslims, the Moorish people and the Romans played a major role in the development of architecture in the region.

Some of the most popular designs are Tarragona and Segovia canals, Cordoba and Alcantara bridges as well as the Merida Theater. Architecture has greatly improved the value of Spain over the years. The Spanish architectural wonders include the mosque in Cordoba that has been standing since the 10th century and the structures known as Hispano Moresque. The mosques were the great works of the moors. Spain greatly benefits from these structures today as they attract a lot of tourists yearly.

Jews and Christians also made their contribution in the architectural designs found in Spain today. The art lovers are sure to have a great time exploring all the great works of architecture that revolve around tourism. The Jew and Christian designs have been merged to make some quite spectacular unique designs. The works include the Santa Maria church, The Alhambra, the Alcazar, as well as the Christian Cathedral. All these churches have great designs. There are also places in Spain that are consider as most holy and still receive their major share of tourists.

Spain also has designs that can be termed as legendary. They include: the mingle between gothic styles and Moorish designs, Mudejar, and Mozarabic. There is ornamentation on the architectural works that attract the eyes of most visitors leaving them awed.

Gaudi works are also very popular in Spain and they can be seen in most places in Spain. All these places play a major role in the tourism sector attracting a great number of tourists every year.

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Approaching Window Treatments

Approaching Window Treatments

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Approaching Window Treatments

When we consider window treatments there are many, many possibilities to choose from. The main thing besides the actual width and height of the window in relation to the room is the dcor. Is the window going to be the visual focal point of the room? Or is it going to blend with the dcor and be non- obtrusive.

Of course when approaching a window treatment we keep the style we are going for in mind. Are you going to start off with blinds or shades? When choosing blinds or shades for your window treatment, you have to consider the element of light and privacy. Do you want to fill the room with light or keep it relatively dark? Today you can get fabric shades to match the dcor and the fabric of the room with light and privacy control capabilities. If your window is wider than high you may want to go with vertical blinds as opposed to horizontal or Venetian Blinds. You can get Vertical blinds in UV light controlled fabric as well.

Another thing to consider is if you live in a house think about the house's architecture as well. How does the window treatments look from the outside of the house looking in? For a historic designed house a more traditional or Victorian window treatment may look better than vertical blinds. Lace Swags or Valances may compliment a Fabric Shade instead. If you have a cabin or oriental style house, wood woven shades or bamboo blinds might do the trick for you.

Once you choose your shade or blinds you may want Curtains or Drapes to go with them. In the old days drapes were used primarily as an insulation or privacy control much as shades and blinds are used that way today. Shades and Blind can serve the same purpose as drapes and curtains but you have more choices than in the past. If you have shades and blinds that handle your light and privacy issues than you can go for purely decorative curtains and drapes in your window treatments. There are even decorative rods to compliment the style of drapes, curtains, valances and swags that you may choose to use. You need to keep in mind color and texture of the fabric when decorating your windows. Drapes are pleated panels that go to the floor and curtains are shorter. 3 basic styles of curtains are caf, tiered and panels. Both drapes and curtains can be lined or unlined, adding to your privacy and light control.

The main thing to think about is your price range and options your finances allow you. Go with the style you want in the budget you can match. Also have fun and bring your personality out through your window treatments. In todays market there are many how to books on window treatments. If in doubt buy one it cant hurt.

Apply Vaastu for Home to Create Positive Energy all around of you

Apply Vaastu for Home to Create Positive Energy all around of you

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Apply Vaastu for Home to Create Positive Energy all around of you

Today I would like to give you some energy related tips of vaastu for home.

Friends, we cant ignore the importance of positive energy in our life. Houses with less positive energies become store of negative energies. And the inmates of such houses always struggle with problems like- stress, depression, illness, financial problems etc. You see, we dont like to stay on a place where we feel uncomfortable, where there are negative energies flowing all around.

In this context, there is a good example. You might have seen and felt the environment of hospital. On the second hand also might have felt the environment of any temple or Church? You go to both of these places for the prevention of torture or pain. But there is a big difference in the environments of both places. You dont like to stay in a hospital, any longer (if youre not in this profession). On the second hand, you can spend a long time in the temple or church and thats too with much comfort and positive feelings.

Similarly, the place where you live with your family, your home should be filled of positive energies. Some principles and rules have been mentioned in Vaastu Shastra, are used during the construction of any structure, so that new house/structure could easily generate and expand positive energy. Problems like stress, illness, financial problems etc in such houses become negligible. Only pleasure, joy, happiness and prosperity are found in such houses. This is the tool which provides us a happy, playful, relaxed, and successful life.

These are some important Vaastu tips that can help you to generate maximum positivity in your house-

Use positive sounds-

Some noises irritate you, but you ignore them. Like creaking sounds of doors and windows, sounds obtained from any kind of friction etc. These sounds generate negativity in your environment. So, do the solution of such irritating sounds.

Sound of Ring balls and conch are considered good. As they help in killing the negative energies.

No clutter-

Avoid clutter in your house. In Vaastu it is called as a stuck up energy. So much clutter in a house make the inmates of that house restless. This is so bad if you are not relaxed in your own home. So avoid it. Get all the things systematized.

Light in each corner-

If you use lightening only in those rooms which are usable in the evening time, then its not good. Vaastu suggests that every room and each corner should be lighted once, in the evening. Because darkness is a symbol of negative powers. Vaastu also suggests that northeast and last corner must be kept lighted every time.

Avoid smells-

Another form of negative energy is smell which directly affects ones mind. One should avoid it. Use incense and oils of flowers in your house. This will help you to kill the negative energy.

Dont keep dead things in your house-

Dried flowers, leaves, broken pots and showcase made up of animals skins cause negativity. Damaged wall clock and other electronic/mechanical things should be repaired ASAP. Or you can give them away to someone who can make better use of those things. According to Vaastu such kind of dead things increases inactivity and negativity in the family members in the house.

Toilet and kitchen should be according to Vaastu Shastra-

This tip is for those who are going to start a new construction. Remember, kitchen and toilet shouldnt be on the source points of the subtle energies. Because Kitchen uses fire element which burns all the positive energy. Construct such sensitive parts of home, after consulting with any Vaastu expert.

Most of these tips and instructions can be followed in houses already built. As I always say, easy for all. But there are more forms of negative energy could be in a house. In fact, general people dont even know what the reason of their continuous problems is. An experienced Vaastu consultant can identify the negativity in your house and tell you the possible remedy.

Senin, 26 Maret 2018

Android App Development and Its History

Android App Development and Its History

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Android App Development and Its History

Android is a powerful open source Linux based Operating System (OS) used specifically for cellular phones and also tablets. It's one of the most widely used mobile operating system (OS). It is a software pile which includes OS, middle ware and also crucial applications. The android application development Package (SDK) offers the tools as well as Application Programs User Interface (API).
The major system of Android is Java It makes use of java collection. As well as the applications are coded in Java, C++ and also C (core). An only application which as greater than 700,000 apps and also downloaded and install extra in the marketplace. These applications are upgraded and also much more are released daily.

History of Android:

Android was established by Open Mobile phone Partnership led by Google. The Open Phone Alliance includes virtually 86 hardware, software application and telecommunication business. The first programmer of android was Android Inc., and later Google bought it in the year 2005. The android code was released open source by Google under Apache license.

It was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears and also Chris White in Paulo Alto, The Golden State, US in October 2003.

The Android Open Resource Job is also led by Google as well as charged for the upkeep and also growth of android. The primary objective of is to produce an effective real-world item as well as enhances mobile experience for end users.

Elements of Android Architecture:

The significant elements of Android style are:

Applications - a set of core applications which is written in Java shows language.
Application Framework - An open resource growth which handles all the applications involved in it.
Libraries - It is a collection of C/C++ collections used by various components by android system.
Android Run-time - All applications can operate on its very own process, using its own circumstances of Dalvik Virtual Equipment.
Linux Bit - It depends on Linux variation 2.6 for core system management such as protection, procedure management, memory administration and network stack and vehicle driver version.

Features of Android:

Application Framework - enables reuse and replacement of components.
Dalvik Virtual Machine - optimized for mobile devices.
Integrated Browser - open source web kit engine.
Optimized Graphics - powered by 2D and 3D graphics.
Sq Lite for data storage
GSM technology Camera, GPS, Compass, etc.
Media support
Bluetooth, EDGE, Wi-Fi, 3G.

History of Android Versions:

The specialty of android application is, its version. And they are created in alphabetic order. And all versions belong to a Dessert name. Each version has its own sub-version and is released periodically. The sub-versions are released more or else in the same year in a constant period of different months.

The first release was on November 2007 and after that many updates has been made from its original OS and each updates fix bugs and adds new features from the before version.

Versions in Android:

Versions of android and they released year are:

1. Beta - 5 Nov 2007.
2. v1.0 - 23 Sept 2008.
3. v1.1 - 9 Feb 2009.
4. V1.5 cupcake - 30 Apr 2009.
5. V1.6 Donuts - 15 Sept 2009.
6. V2.0 Eclair - 26 Oct 2009.
7. V2.2.x Fro-yo - 20 May 2010.
8. V2.3.x Gingerbread - 6 Dec 2010.
9. V3.x Honeycomb - 22 Feb 2011.
10. V4.x Ice Cream Sandwich - 19 Oct 2011.

Advantages of Android:

1. Multi-touch.
2. Multiprocessor.
3. Multithreaded OS.
4. Rich Internet access.
5. Open source platform.
6. Easy to handle and implement.
7. User friendly.
8. Enabled security.
9. Supports all formats of image & video.

An In-Depth Guide for Home Renovation

An In-Depth Guide for Home Renovation

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An In-Depth Guide for Home Renovation

As much as its results are rewarding, home renovation is a living hell. Regardless of whether you are renovating the house you currently live in, or the one you just bought, whether it is to fit your changing needs or to sell, there are certain things you should not overlook.  

Budget and estimates

Determine what you want to do and which parts of your house you need to renovate. Make a list of priorities. Once you have that done, get the contractors in to give you an estimate. The Estimate is probably not going to be the final price, so round up the amounts and see how much of your list you can afford. Start from the top priorities and make sure you can finance those. Also, it would be good to do things in the same order as on the priority list just in case you happen to run out of money but I would not suggest even starting if your budget is that tight.

Help needed

If you need to hire a professional to do any part of the renovation job (you will), make sure you get a top quality service. Check the references the contractors give you and see if you can find any reviews online.  Try to find out whether the contractors you are looking at are currently working on something else as they tend to accept a job even though they are aware they cannot manage it all because they do not want to lose it. This usually proves to be an issue when it comes to deadlines. The professionals you will most likely be after are plumbers, carpenters, builders, painters, architects, landscapers and interior designers.

Why hire landscapers, interior designers, and architects?

Sure, there are a lot of things you can do yourself, but there are even more things you think you can do yourself. You need an architect if you are planning on remodeling any part of your house, especially if you are building an extension. A landscaper will come in handy in case you have money left over to fix up your backyard, they can put your wishes into a meaningful whole. An interior designer is there to help you get the best out of space once remodeled. They can also assist you with installing new lights as home renovation is the right time to add more lights and power sockets into a house.

Plumbing, heating, and electricity

This is the perfect time to check your houses wiring and plumbing. Perhaps they require some maintenance. Also, as I have mentioned above, this is the right time to install additional power sockets as there are never too many. Plumbers from The Relining Company remind us that plumbing needs to be taken into account when remodeling, so it is best to get a professional to work with the architect on this or based on the architectural plan. Rethink your heating, is it worm throughout the house or are some rooms slacking? If there is an issue, it should be taken care of now. Think ecology and energy efficiency and find other ways of keeping your house warm or building one of the modern ecological heating systems such as a geothermal heating pump.

A Bathroom

This one probably requires the most work done. You need to take down your old tiles, see if you need to get new elements and people usually do as they do not want to bring old into the new. You will also need new fixtures. Depending on your and your family members needs you might need to install certain extra details. If you have an elderly person living with you, you may want to install certain features such as a walk-in shower or grab bars to help them out as they are not getting any younger. These can also increase your propertys price if you decide to sell one day.


Apart from remodeling and possibly adding an extra closet or a pantry, there are several other things to be done in your kitchen. It probably needs to be re-plumbed and the cupboards remodeled. Consider adjusting the height of countertops for children to be able to reach as well as the elderly if they want to sit down when preparing food. Make sure you have enough space for the appliance you are using on daily bases and enough worktops to prepare meals. You will probably need new fixtures, not only for the kitchen but for the entire house, and it is always advised to put everything on paper first, so you know exactly how much you're spending.

The final advice is to be patient as eventually it will all be done. Regardless of what you believe at first, find a place to stay at while the work is being done, living in the house will drive you even further insane. Also, keep in mind that once you have everything ready, you'll need to keep it squeaky clean to be able to fully enjoy your beautiful new home

Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

An Easy Learning To Personal Introduction Writing

An Easy Learning To Personal Introduction Writing

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An Easy Learning To Personal Introduction Writing

How to Write a Personal Introduction?

Writing a personal introduction is a tricky deal that should be well written because of two reasons. First, your introduction creates an impression of your personality on the readers.

It reflects yourself and tells the audience what you really are. Second, with the help a well-written personal introduction, you can easily make an impression in the market in order to grab any reasonable opportunity.
Personal Introduction Speeches

Writing a good personal introduction or personal introductory speeches should not be intermingled with autobiographies. Remember, personal introduction speeches may just involve two to three minutes or bit longer than that. These are one point speeches that are based on a single idea about the self.
Tips on How to Write a Personal Introduction?

Personal introduction also known as self introduction, basically, points out who you are. It helps to unveil some aspects and hidden truths of your life. Samples of personal introduction can easily be found online.

However, in this article I am going to present some interesting topic that might be your next choice for a self introduction. Remember; always try to focus one topic or an aspect of your life to focus and share with your audience.

Most common topics or aspects of considerations include:

Highlight an Interesting Story of Your Life: In personal introduction, you can go with an interesting story of your life. You can share the experiences you have passed through and you can present the message for your audience.
Personal Likes and Dislikes: This can also be a topic for your personal or self introduction. As already mentioned, writing a personal introduction is an interesting way to reflect your personality. You can demonstrate the goal of your life or your lifestyle along with your personal likes and dislikes.
Share Your Skill: If you have some special skills then you can also write about any of these in your personal introduction. Your level of professionalism and proficiency can add interest to your readers.
A Glimpse on Your Leisure Activities: It is another interesting way to demonstrate you. Enclose your spare time activities/ hobbies along with interesting life experiences associated with these.
Share Turning Point of Your Life, if any: You can also share any milestone or a turning point of your life. It will make your personal introduction more interesting for your audience. You can share good and bad experiences and how you planned to overcome the issue and cope with the situation.

Some Additional Tips

Always plan to write a personal introduction for a topic that you feel interested for other readers. Work out the topics in few sentences. Personal introductions pick out the hidden aspects of life for others so it is better to streamline your self- introduction with questions like who, what, why, where, when and how. This will make you comfortable in portraying the thoughts in a systematic manner for readers.

Amd Athlon Duron Processor Specification

Amd Athlon Duron Processor Specification

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Amd Athlon Duron Processor Specification

In the absence of acts and figures to support, whether the claim that 'it is a Leading Global Provider of Innovative Microprocessor and Graphics solutions' by AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) on its website is a question of debate. Ever since AMD based in Sunnyvale, California was founded in 1969, its core businesses have been to provide microprocessor and graphics and media solutions for the computer, communications, and consumer electronics industries.

Today with corporate locations at Austin, Texas; and Markham, Ontario, 16,500 employees spread across 80 locations and manufacturing facilities in the U.S., Europe and Asia, AMD's success seems to be driven by what it calls "customer-centric innovation," its guiding principle. The company claims that it has shipped more than 240 million PC processors worldwide. And that its processors undergo extensive testing to help ensure compatibility with Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, Windows NT, Windows 2000, as well as Linux and other PC operating systems and also conduct rigorous research, development, and validation to help ensure the continued integrity and performance of its products. This article is about the 'AMD Athlon Duron'.

On its site AMD has provided a utility as a service to customers and resellers to ensure a positive user experience with the AMD Athlon Duron processor. Due to the complex nature of the issues affecting reliable processor operation on a motherboard, AMD selects the most popular new motherboards to evaluate using an internally developed suite of BIOS, electrical, and software tests. According to them, this test suite has been developed to ensure compliance with motherboard design guidelines for the Athlon Duron processor. To ensure reliable operation, the processor should be used in conjunction with one of the recommended motherboards. The utility enables the user to select the processor from out of the 16 models of AMD Athlon Duron processor, the form factor ATX, SFF etc, the vendor, and any other feature. The company also warns that any attempt to operate the AMD Athlon Duron processor without a suitable cooling solution will result in permanent damage to the processor and potentially other components within the system and that recommended memory for your Duron processor-based system may be specific to the type of motherboard you plan to use.

The AMD Athlon Duron processor operates at four different speeds which are: 1.3GHz, 1.2GHz, 1.1GHz and 1GHz. Its key features includes support for 3DNow! Professional technology and hardware data pre-fetch, which allows end users to have an enhanced multimedia experience and improved productivity. The AMD Duron processor is a derivative of the award-winning AMD Athlon processor, and includes sophisticated cache architecture with 192kB of total on-chip cache, a high speed 200MHz front-side bus and a superscalar floating point unit. It also includes 128kB of on-chip level one (L1) cache memory and 64kB of full-speed, on-chip level two (L2) cache memory. You can find more information on processors by Amd at

The AMD Duron processor is a derivative. Although the two processors are related, there are key differences in the CPUs and the platforms designed to support them. The AMD Athlon processor features more full-speed, on-chip cache memory. The AMD Duron processor was designed to consume less power than the AMD Athlon processor, thereby enabling lower cost systems. Additionally, Duron processor-based PCs are likely to employ lower cost memory and graphics solutions, including low cost DDR memory and Unified Memory Architecture (UMA) graphics. The AMD Duron processor supports both PC1600 and PC2100 DDR memory.

The Athlon Duron processor is compatible with the Windows XP Home and Professional operating systems.

All you Need to Know before Planning a Trip to Malaysia

All you Need to Know before Planning a Trip to Malaysia

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All you Need to Know before Planning a Trip to Malaysia

Malaysia, the second name of incredible diversity in a unique piece of land, is a potpourri of a number of cultures, traditions, lifestyles, and religions. And when it comes to hospitality, other places can merely compete with the Malaysian hospitality. To add to all this, the geography of this region is wonderfully diverse with beaches, islands, tropical rainforests, mountains, highlands, and much more. No wonder, Malaysia often tops the list of the hottest vacation destinations for travelers from all over the world. The diversity of this place brings together a beautiful feel for its tourists and thats the reason why youll want to stay a little more when your tour comes to an end.   

Malaysia offers hundreds of attractions to its visitors and its difficult to recommend only a few of them to visit. However, a good Malaysia package covers all those places which you must visit while youre in Malaysia. They have something so special that you just cant miss to visit them during the stay. Lets take a look at the topmost of the list to help you plan the tour accordingly.

Kuala Lumpur

This was once simply a tiny, tin-mining town located in Malaysia but now, Kuala Lumpur the countrys largest metropolis and of course, the federal capital. What it offers to visitors? Wonderfully structured skyscrapers, unique architecture, the Petronas Towers, the Golden Triangle, and the popular Merdeka Square the list does not end here. Kuala Lampur is a hub of vibrant urban culture and hundreds of interesting activities. Youll collect one of the most memorable experiences with Malaysias fine dining options and shopping spots.


Fantastic location, stunning geographical features, and innumerable facilities, thats what Langkawi is for you. This is one really must visit place, located off the northwestern coast of Malaysia. It is actually a super beautiful archipelago of 99 islands, impressing travelers with mangroves, rainforests, beaches, and mountains. Tourists often extend their stay at Langkawi, which is why the place is always ready with excellent restaurants, premier resorts, luxurious hotels, and much more. To make the best of Malaysias natural and modern beauty, you must visit Langkawi.


Penang is virtually a spectrum of diverse cultures and lifestyles. The rich culinary diversity is the second most appealing feature about Penang, after the glorious George Town. Peculiar cuisines, eye-catching architecture, and tourist attractions hold you longer in Penang. One more important thing to try here is a trishaw ride, without which your Malaysia tour would be probably incomplete. You can also take a lazy walk around the George Town and take a glance at the unique, British colonial architectural marvels and a few calming Indian temples.


Melaka is another not-to-miss destination. It exhibits a rich heritage, lined with excellent architecture and adorned with inviting culture. What to say about the cuisines and traditions; both will lure you to the core. Though situated at a somewhat busy sea route between India and China, this place has a lot to offer you the typical Old Dutch architecture, the remnants of the old fort, charming villas, and much more. No wonder its one of the most famous tourist attractions in Malaysia.


Want to visit the Borneos rainforest? Kuching is the base for traveling here and also the largest city on the Borneo Island. Once here, you can also explore the State of Sarawak and visit a lot of historic landmarks, enjoy tens of outdoor recreation activities, and shop at some bustling shopping markets. A tour to Kuching Civic Centers planetarium is the best platform for viewing an outstanding aerial view of the city. If youre traveling with your kids, then this is a must plan trip; theyll surely love it.

Cameron Highlands

The Cameron Highlands make an amazing escape from the heat of lowlands and due to their location in the Titiwangsa Mountains, are among the oldest destinations in Malaysia. It was developed with an English garden style much later. This tableland introduces you to an incredible beauty of lakes, wildlife, forests, recreation, and lush greenery. Take a view at the several acres of sprawling tea plantations and blossoming flower farms, and youll realize why the Cameron Highlands are the chief tea and flower producer of the region.

Taman Negara

If youre an adventure freak, Taman Negara could be the best adventure and ecotourism destination for you. Supposed to be the oldest tropical rainforest in the world, this spot includes three states. Here you can enjoy the sightings of rare plant species, exotic birds, endangered animals, and much more. The special highlights include Asian Elephant, Leopard Cats, Malayan Tiger, Water Dragon, and Sumatran Rhinoceros. You can plan a stay here especially for the Canopy Walks and night safari.

Gunung Mulu National Park

Have you ever heard of all those breathtaking natural attractions of the Southeast Asia? Malaysia is undoubtedly one of them. And one of the most loved tourist attractions in Malaysia is Gunung Mulu National Park. Renowned for its extraordinary limestone karst formation, this national park also exhibits a phenomenal cave system. And youll definitely plan a tour here after knowing that it has the worlds longest and largest cave systems.

Kota Bharu

Kota Bharu is the capital city of Kelant. It is all surrounded by hustling streets and a number of coffee shops. People traveling to the Perhentian Islands often take a halt at Kota Bharu for witnessing the existence of architecture, cuisines, cultures, and shopping spots under one roof.  Central Market is the largest marketplace in the city and you can definitely spend a lazy evening here.

The Malaysia Visa

You generally dont need a Malaysia visa to enter Malaysia, if youre traveling for tourism, business work, or social purposes. Your passport must be valid for minimum six months for a without-visa-stay for 90 or lesser days. However, its advisable to check the requisite of having the visa before planning a tour to Malaysia.

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2018

All About Home Shutters- Styles, Materials, Colours and Finishes

All About Home Shutters- Styles, Materials, Colours and Finishes

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All About Home Shutters- Styles, Materials, Colours and Finishes

Getting a new house constructed? Imagine its curb appeal with the use of stylish, versatile and efficient interior shutters in your home. The shutters play a vital role in enhancing the overall ambience of your house. Play with the widest range of styles, colours and premium materials available in the market.

Shutter styles

A home can be transformed with the use of stylish and versatile home shutters that suits the entire decor and construction of the property. Whether your home is of contemporary style or is a continental cafe style, look for a wide range of shutters available in the market to find the best style for your home. Whether it is a regular classic bay, square window, conservatory or anything, get creative with your interior shutters. More than just door and window coverings, shutters add a distinctive touch to your home.

While looking for the best-suited shutters for your home, make sure you consider the available space and the amount of light you want to enter into the different areas. The most common shutter styles are inclusive of full height, tier-on-tier, bay window, cafe style, conservatory, skylight, special shapes, French door, patio door etc.

Material choices

Make the best use of the available spaces while designing the furniture of your home. And imagine your transformed home with premium and made-to-measure shutters from the best choices of material available in varied colours, textures and finishes. Shutters that are versatile and offer quality finish are the ones that are said to be best suited to any home style. The material choice depends on the taste and the budget of the homeowner. But make sure, you get the best one for your home keeping in mind your requirements.

Colours and Finishes

Last but not the least, colour choice and the finishes are the major components that can make or break the decor of your house. Opt for plantation shutters as they are widely known for their finish as well as their versatility. Theres no colour, no space and no finish that doesn't suits well with the plantation shutters. In the UK white shutters are widely popular but its good to add some inviting colours to the interior shutters of your house. Some popularly used colour choices are:
Turquoise: It is a shade that is mixture of two pretty colours blue and green. This colour is applied to the shutters to give a curb appeal to your pretty house.

Stately red: This colour is widely attractive in itself and a large number of people find it attractive. It compliments the historic feel of a house without imparting an ounce of stuffiness. This colour is bold yet classy to be used on the front doors of a house.

Elegant Indigo: This colour goes best with the home constructed in historic and Victorian style. Because a Victorian home is capable to indulge in brilliant colour choices. Such architecture has so much detail that it takes a dark or bold colour to gather the attention of the passerbys.

Optional extras

Whether it is about the new shutters themselves or about altering the existing ones, look forward to the optional extras that are basically designed to help you realise your vision. The optional extras are basically inclusive of custom colour choices, room darkening blind system etc. Design and decorate your newly constructed home using classy and versatile home shutters in East Sussex.

ADD + Homeschool Math = A Success Story

ADD + Homeschool Math = A Success Story

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ADD + Homeschool Math = A Success Story

In a recent article (9/22/10) in Time Magazines Healthland, entitled ADHD: Global Epidemic or Just a Bunch of Fidgety Kids? John Cloud asks if dosing children with stimulants like Ritalin may be an overreaction to simple fidgeting. Nearly 3% of U.S. schoolchildren now take stimulant drugs like Ritalin, most of them boys between the ages of 6 and 14. Removing your children from the classroom (and hence the need to sit still) to homeschool them may be a viable solution. And of all subjects, math may benefit most from a homeschool curriculum.

Cloud says, "The rise in ADHD diagnoses among kids indicates one of two things: either children are more fidgety and less able to focus these days, or parents and doctors have become less patient with the squirms and jiggles of childhood. Probably both things are true: theres more to distract kids today . . . and parents have a solution to fidgety children not open to their grandparents: diagnose them with ADHD and treat them with Ritalin."

Perhaps several different but related issues have come together to create this crisis. 1) The proliferation of distracting toys, electronic and otherwise, severely hampers students innate ability to pay attention and stay on task. 2) The standardization and rigidity of curriculum in the mainstream school system curtails teacher flexibility and creativity, and results in increasingly dry and boring lessons. 3) The cutbacks in non-academic subjects contribute to the widespread lack of interest and creativity. 4) Less and less parent involvement in all phases of child rearing.

Homeschooling puts you, the parent, back in the drivers seat. All of the issues listed above are addressed by schooling at home. Parents can provide interesting, imaginative, creative, and engaging homeschool curriculum, while augmenting their academic programs with enrichment like art, music, sports . . . the possibilities are endless. A homeschooling parents involvement is a needed and welcome factor that strengthens every childs general well being and confidence.

Cloud cites ADHD research from the University of Central Florida that suggests that "acting hyperkinetic . . . is not always a sign that a child is distracted and not learning. According to psychologist Mark Rapport of UCF, squirming and fidgeting can be a way children maintain their cortical arousal especially their working memory when faced with a dull task. Rapport has found that kids with ADHD who are told to sit still perform worse on tests than those who are allowed to move around naturally." Again, crucial reasons to consider homeschooling.

Math is perhaps the most challenging subject to teach children diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. There is so much less room to be creative and interesting, so much temptation to teach math in a no-frills, all-drill format. This can be a recipe for failure with a child predisposed to inattention and boredom. A well-constructed homeschool math curriculum can be just the solution.

Your homeschool math curriculum allows you, the parent-teacher, the flexibility to adjust the curriculum to suit your childrens needs. Here are some simple, common sense suggestions that can enhance and enable any students (but especially ADD/ADHD students) success with math:

1) Use color to differentiate the 4 processes (i.e., green=addition, blue=subtraction, red=division, and yellow=multiplication).
2) Allow the use of charts to help with calculation, especially multiplication.
3) Provide manipulatives for both teaching and math practice.
4) Have students use graph paper (or use lined paper vertically) to help with place value and number alignment.
5) Provide models of sample problems.
6) Teach all steps needed to solve problems and list the steps clearly.
7) Use art as a tool to help with visualization and to enhance creativity and interest.
8) Provide handy, concise card sets that delineate essential rules and concepts.
9) Use games for drills and practice.
10) Teach finger tricks for the more difficult multiplication tables.
11) Have students work in groups or teams.
12) Advocate active math. Add movement to all drills and practice.

Math By Hand features all of the above and more. Hands-on, experiential learning is the panacea for many of the ills facing our beleaguered students, classrooms, teachers, and schools. Consider homeschooling, and consider applying all of the above suggestions to your homeschool math curriculum. You and your healthier, happier, successful student(s) will see first hand that indeed, ADD + Homeschool Math = Success!

About Cozy Home Decor Ideas For Winter

About Cozy Home Decor Ideas For Winter

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About Cozy Home Decor Ideas For Winter

As temperatures across India have already started to dip, most homeowners are looking for ideas to make their homes cozy, vibrant and beautiful. Winters in India are meant for a lot of outdoor fun. But with some effort and thinking you can make your home apt for plenty of indoor adventures too. Just like you have to adorn those heavy woollen garments with the onset of winter, so does your home. Your home needs to cover itself with the ideal decorations for the season. Now, if you are wondering how to add the cozy touch to your home, let us share some ideas with you.

- Opt for Woollen Cushions: Your regular cushions might do a perfect job all year round, but with the change of season your cushions need a change too. The knited woollen cushions are a perfect fit for winters. They are warm and cozy. If you are thinking about decor, then let us tell you these knited woollen cushions are available in a range of designs, styles and colors. You can definitely find the one that blends with your home decor.

- Install Heavy Curtains: The regular curtains need to be pulled down, washed and then stacked away into the cupboards. For the winters are here and these soft and lightweight curtains will not fit the bill when the temperatures get chilling outside. You may purchase some heavy curtains. Such curtains not only look cozy, but work perfectly in keeping the breeze (which penetrates through small window gaps) out.

We are here to use our skills and build a strong foundation for your dreams. Our meticulous, fresh and creative team of interior designers in gurgaon ensures that every space we create is one-of-a-kind, whether it is a residence, corporate structure or even a retail building.

- Adopt Warm Lighting: The nights get really long during the winter months, and there lies the role of your lighting fixtures. They should stay inviting and warm. The best way to get this effect is to invest in table lamps. Placing one in the living room is an absolute must. You may try them in various other rooms too. Hanging lights also auger well for the winters. They can be placed in the kitchen or common areas of the house. If you visit the market you will get many other lighting ideas which carry the warm touch about them.

- Buy some Winter Accessories: Candles are the best winter home accessories. Their glow gives a cozy, comfortable and warm look to the room. You can arrange them on a table in order of heights and thickness.

Jumat, 23 Maret 2018

A Profile of Wassily Kandinsky - Abstract Artist

A Profile of Wassily Kandinsky - Abstract Artist

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A Profile of Wassily Kandinsky - Abstract Artist

"Colour is the key. The eye is the hammer. The soul is the piano with its many chords." These are the words of Wassily Kandinsky, a musically and spiritually influenced Russia-born painter and abstract art theorist, considered to be the "Father of Abstract Art". Kandinsky played a pivotal role in the development of abstract expressionism. He was one of the first artists to explore the theories of pure or non-representational abstraction. In the course of evolvement of his art, he moved from organic and fluid to geometric and ultimately to pictographic styles. The influence of music on Kandinsky's abstract art work is evident from the fact that he titled many of them impressions, improvisations or compositions.

Wassily Kandinsky was born the son of a tea merchant in Moscow on the 4th of December 1866. Kandinsky grew up in a musical household as both of his parents were very keen amateur musicians. This possibly influenced him to learn to play the cello and the piano by himself at a very young age. Kandinsky was a student of economics and law at the University of Moscow from 1886 through 1892, where after graduation he became a lecturer. An important influence on Kandinsky while he was in Moscow was "Haystacks", a painting by Monet, the style of which could not be recognized by Kandinsky.

In 1897 Kandinsky - aged thirty - left Moscow for Munich to pursue an artistic education, which was to include; life-drawing, anatomy and sketching. Here, he studied art with Anton Azbe at the Kunstakademie. Teaching at the "Phalanx" art school which he co-founded, Kandinsky formed a companionship with Gabriele M'nter, one of his students.

Most of Kandinsky's paintings in the period from 1896 to 1911 did not include human figures, although "Sunday, Old Russia" (1904) and "Riding Couple" (1907) are exceptions. "The Blue Rider" (1903) is perhaps Kandinsky's most important work from his early period from 1900-1910. The year 1910 saw Kandinsky producing his first abstract art work in watercolour.

Kandinsky was actively involved in numerous controversial and influential 20th century art movements. One such movement was "Blue Rider" (Der Blaue Reiter), the name of which came from Kandinsky's painting of the same name. Kandinsky co-founded this movement which represented German Expressionism, with Franz Marc. He took classes at the Bauhaus - a pioneering art and architecture school - founded by Walter Gropius. During Kandinsky's period of involvement with the Bauhaus, his abstract art paintings - "Half-Circle", "Circle", "Straight Lines", "Curve" and "Angle" - showed an increasing prominence in geometrical elements.

In 1933 Kandinsky settled in Neuilly, near Paris. His abstract art output in this year and the following years was a cause for controversy. His abstract paintings in these years showed biomorphic forms having non-geometric outlines. In addition to producing colour compositions that were original and others influenced by popular Slavonic art, Kandinsky sometimes mixed paint with sand to achieve a granular texture. Kandinsky died in 1944 at Neuilly-sur-Seine (France) five years after gaining French citizenship.

How To Minimize The Property Tax Assessments Set By The Harris County Appraisal District

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